
Day 11 of P90X

P90X: Lean Phase 1 Week 2 Yoga X

Oh Yoga X.

I think I'm falling in love with Yoga. I attempted all poses even the crane, fell over a couple times, but less than before. Woohoo. The Yoga Belly 7 (is that what it's called?) was killing me! My core was shaking, my legs were burning, and I was just in agony but stuck with it as long as I could. Love it. Don't know if I could ever do Yoga in public though haha. Maybe after P90X!

I gotta keep this short because I gotta wake up early again tomorrow for a Skills Lab. We had this presentation for Benefits and I'm so lucky to have such an awesome employer! Woohoo! Personal Wellness Days? Yay!

Diet: Not too good again. I forgot to pack a lunch and I forgot to go grocery shopping.
Breakfast: Peanut butter & Jelly Sandwich on White Bread (1/2)
Snack: Mini Snickers candy and M&M peanuts. ( I was sooo tired I needed sugar and no fruit to buy!)
Lunch: Spicy Chicken Wrap & Small Fries from Wendy's :(
Dinner: Some beef stew thing.

Can't wait for the weekend! My cousin Randolph and his fiance Gwen are coming down from Sactown to stay down here. Yay!